La intervención logopédica en los trastornos de la adquisición del lenguaje
Correspondencia: Dra. Amparo Ygual. Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio Edetania. Universitat de València. Sacre Cor, 5. E46110 Godella, Valencia.
The objective of this study is to analyze, from the conceptual point of view, logopaedic intervention in disorders of acquisition of language. We describe the ‘model of intervention at three levels’: reinforcing stimulation of language, restructuration of language and substitution of language. We analyze the concepts of ‘ambiental intervention’, from the naturalist point of view, that of functional exercises and of directed or formal exercises. We study the variables which affect the specificity of logopaedic treatments. As a specific example we describe intervention in auditory perception [REV NEUROL 1999; 28 (Supl 2): S 109-S 18].